Doctor Discovers “Blood Pressure Switch” That helps maintain healthy numbers!

This blood pressure "switch" is built into every cell of the body, and when it is flipped, "ON" it helps...

Blood pressure return to the healthy range

Shed weight from belly, neck, arms, and thighs

Energy levels return to normal

Sleep become easy again

Dr. Marlene Merritt Saw First-Hand the Frustration of Living with High Blood Pressure…

Her dad had heart health issues that went on undiagnosed.

She saw him struggle with fatigue and headaches and feeling lousy much of the time.

He was a typical American guy. He ate Baloney sandwiches. Loved snack foods. Drank beer.

And his heart paid for it at age 60.

His doctor put him on a low-fat diet. Butter and red meat were taboo. He was given several medications, including for blood pressure.

It was the wrong approach. Dr. Marlene knows that now.

In just a few years, she lost her father. His cardiologist was shocked because her dad was a model patient – he followed the diet; he took the medications.

Dr. Merritt was devastated. She felt she had let her dad down. But she didn’t know enough at the time to help him.

It was a life-changing event…

She refocused her medical studies, choosing to go beyond conventional American medicine since it had failed her father.

She got a Masters in Nutrition. And degrees in Oriental Medicine and Functional Medicine…

She was determined to get to the bottom of elevated blood pressure and help Americans fix it.

Discovering the Cause of America’s High Blood Pressure

Dr. Marlene opened the Merritt Wellness Center in Austin, Texas, helping people just like her dad. This time, she knew what to do.

Because she had discovered a root cause.

Dr. Merritt pinpointed the problem back to when the influential Dr. Ancel Keys presented his thesis connecting dietary animal fat to heart disease.

Keys had studied the diets of 22 countries, but to support his thesis, he cherry-picked 7 countries.

Keys showed that Japan and Italy had low animal fat consumption and low rates of heart disease. While Australia, Canada, England, Wales, and the U.S. had high animal fat consumption and higher rates of poor heart health and related health complications.

It was too easy. Keys excluded several countries in the study that showed just the opposite. Still, his theory caught on and gained traction.

"Today, many health experts believe that Keys' theory was completely wrong. And it may have made elevated blood pressure and heart issues worse."

Here's why...

In 1977, a U.S. Senate committee, after holding hearings on our national diet, issued a set of dietary guidelines designed to reduce dietary animal fat and, related heart health issues.

A Food Pyramid was developed and promoted, but because of lobbying efforts, the emphasis was put on eating grains, the lifeblood of American farmers.

Even worse, the new dietary guidelines prompted food manufacturers to replace animal fats with processed vegetable fats.

The goal for food manufacturers was to show "low fat" and "heart-healthy" on their labels.

By 1980 people stopped buying butter and started buying margarine. They filled their grocery carts with chips, cookies, sauces, condiments, and frozen dinners that promised "low fat" and "no cholesterol."

This was a mistake…

Imagine a Life with Healthy Blood Pressure

You see, animal fat is flavorful, while vegetable fat is not. So, to make up for the lost flavor, food manufacturers added refined sugars and salts, and also chemical flavor enhancers.

Unfortunately, the combination of processed vegetable fat and sugar triggers a chemical reaction in the body that causes inflammation and oxidation.

That, in turn, makes cholesterol particles small, dense, and sticky. And right, there is the problem.

You see, healthy cholesterol particles are large and fluffy. They travel smoothly in the bloodstream, bouncing off the arterial walls.

"It doesn’t matter whether you have high or low cholesterol. What’s important is that you have healthy cholesterol."

Because once the particles turn small, dense, and sticky, they can easily embed in the tiny cellular junctions of arterial linings.

And once they do, they trigger an inflammatory immune response.

Plaque is nothing more than the immune system trying to heal these little wounds with a scab. But that creates a rough patch that attracts more small sticky cholesterol particles.

The immune system goes to work again. The scab gets bigger. And the arterial plaque builds up like a snowdrift. The result is narrowed arteries and higher blood pressure.

Fortunately, Dr. Merritt has an easy way to help fix it.

Limit the foods that change the size and character of cholesterol particles. And eat more of the delicious foods that keep cholesterol healthy.

Butter, steak, eggs, and cheese won't raise blood pressure. But processed foods labeled low-fat, fat-free, and heart-healthy may.

To make this easy, Dr. Marlene has put her entire blood pressure protocol into a simple guidebook called the Blood Pressure Solution. This is the same program she uses with her own patients…

This 166-page book shows how a few minor adjustments can “flip the switch” and bring blood pressure back into the healthy range.

It’s not hard.

And there are several side benefits. Most folks report more energy, losing weight, and more restful sleep. Leading to feeling better every single day...

Blood Pressure Solution:

A Comprehensive Approach to Targeting the Underlying Causes High Blood Pressure Naturally
Over 330,000 Copies Sold!

This is the simple plan many have been waiting for because it cuts through all the confusing and contradictory information and zeroes in on the exact steps to take right now to help lower blood pressure.

Inside its pages, readers will find step-by-step guidance, easy tools, and dozens of tips on how to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels... and help repair blood vessels without spending a fortune on food or wasting a lot of time or money.

This easy-to-read, 166-page book reveals…

Which fats to eat and the few to avoid

– although most fats are healthy, some have been proven to increase inflammation in the body if used over a long period of time.

Dr. Marlene will tell you which ones to avoid.

Readers will also discover how to make healthy food choices a no-brainer by “trigger-proofing” their kitchens and pantries.

And here’s something fun

—readers can toss out, or at least never buy again—any carton, tub, or package with the words "no fat," "low-fat," or "lite" on the label. Say goodbye to fat-free cottage cheese forever!

Readers will also discover…

A delicious beverage that, in one university study, lowered blood pressure by 12 points

Dr. Marlene’s tasty “butter shortcut” trick that simplifies what foods to eat. Here’s a hint: Bacon passes this test with flying colors!

A simple stress-lowering technique that can send blood pressure plunging. It’s so easy it can be done while waiting in traffic.

Dr. Marlene also shares…

5 quick exercises you can do at home without any equipment. No grueling or tedious workouts. You get all the health benefits you need in just minutes per week.

Dr. Marlene also throws open the doors of "Mother Nature's Pharmacy," telling you about dozens of tasty foods that can help knock down blood pressure fast.

Enjoy refreshing beverages like “dragon tea” that showed stunning results with blood pressure.

In Dr. Marlene’s Blood Pressure Solution, she makes everything simple. It's as easy as "do this, and don't do that." Eat these foods, and don't eat those foods. Plus, her implementation plan has just 5 easy steps.

Michael Griffin Lowered His Blood Pressure

Concerned about his high blood pressure, Michael ordered a copy of Dr. Marlene’s Blood Pressure Solution. As he told us, "My blood pressure yesterday morning was 110 over 68, with a pulse of 57. I've lost 45 pounds, and my diabetes numbers went from 8.6 to 5.2. That's pretty good for 74 years old." *

It wasn't just Michael's blood pressure that has returned to a healthy range. He's seen a boost of energy he hasn't had in decades. "I have an incredible amount of energy for a person of my age," Michael shared. "I'm biking over 18 miles, and I still have the energy to walk for 30 minutes. I know I have more energy now than I did four years ago. I realize now how important that is." *

We recently spoke with Michael. Here’s what he had to say about Dr. Marlene’s Blood Pressure Solution book…

Here’s the good news, now you can claim your copy of Dr. Marlene’s Blood Pressure Solution, just like Michael…

Get your copy of Blood Pressure Solution for only $47!

Michael Is Not the Only One to Experience Lower Blood Pressure Levels. Here Are More Readers of Dr. Marlene's Blood Pressure Solution…

Kathleen Kelly told us…

“My blood pressure came down right away. I just feel great. I go around telling everybody I found the fountain of youth. I have much more energy now. My concentration is better. I can walk around my block without getting winded anymore. I’m 100% off my medication. Finding this book is about the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” *

Kent K. called in to tell us…

"After a couple of weeks, I checked my blood pressure almost daily, and I noticed that my blood pressure was coming down. In fact, it came down the first two weeks; it came down a lot. I'm controlling my blood pressure better, and I'm not having to take more pills." *

Brigid was excited to share her experience...

“It was just last week when I took my blood pressure, it was like, ‘Oh, my gosh. It’s normal!’ I was so shocked, it was just very pleasing, and I was just totally surprised. I mentioned to a friend; I said, 'You know what? I just feel the best I've felt in a long time.'" *

Here’s what Dave told us about his experience…

"The book is fantastic. I read it a couple of times. It works. I lost 12 pounds, and my doctor thought that was great!" *

And Willard offered this advice to anyone thinking of reading Dr. Marlene’s Blood Pressure Solution…

“Definitely give it a try. It’s well worth it. You don’t have anything to lose…” *

How Readers Are Lowering Blood Pressure

Dr. Marlene's Blood Pressure Solution works by doing a few simple things that help bring blood pressure down while stopping a few things that have been pushing blood pressure up. It's a combination of these two actions that make the protocol work so well.

One of the most popular recommendations found in Blood Pressure Solution is eating good, healthy fats. This includes meat and dairy fat, as well as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Like cheeses? Nuts? Real butter? Avocados? How about a juicy steak? All these foods are healthy foods that don't have a history of raising blood pressure when consumed in reasonable quantities. And when consuming real food with their full fats, studies have shown people are less likely to gain weight because they feel fuller and satisfied and won’t be plagued by cravings.

Over 330,000 Copies Sold:

It’s One of the Most-Read Natural Blood Pressure Books Ever Published Just $47!

Here are a few reasons Blood Pressure Solutionn become so popular with readers throughout the world:

Dr. Marlene takes her time and explains blood pressure in simple, easy-to-understand terms. Many readers say they were able to read the book over a few days and begin the healthy lifestyle changes immediately.

In addition to being a step-by-step guide to Dr. Marlene's blood pressure protocol, it also includes charts, graphs, and simple visual aids to ensure you can quickly and easily implement the program.

Ships Directly to Your Door:
When you order your copy of Blood Pressure Solution, you will receive your copy within 5 to 7 business days.

Only $47 (plus shipping):
You’ll save when you order today. Plus, you’ll receive free bonus reports.

Order your copy of Dr. Marlene Merritt's best-selling book, Blood Pressure Solution today! We’ll ship your book directly to your front door.

Claim 4 FREE Bonus Reports

Compared to other blood pressure books, Blood Pressure Solutionn is available both in physical and digital formats (PDF). Plus, it comes with instant access to 4 FREE bonus reports—something most other books do not include. With your purchase today, you’ll receive a copy of Blood Pressure Solution mailed directly to your home; a digital copy of the book immediately after purchase; and, you’ll receive your 4 digital bonus reports:

7-Day Meal Plan and Grocery List:

Having a plan helps get results, and that's why Dr. Marlene has taken the hassle of recipe-hunting (and converting old recipes) out of the equation with this 7-day meal plan (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Get delicious meals that are formulated to lower blood pressure. Each recipe is complete with simple instructions, and most of them take less than 30 minutes to prepare.

Cheat Sheet—Guidelines for Healthy Eating:
Many people appreciate the blood pressure-lowering meal plans and recipes, but if you like to create your own mouth-watering recipes, you'll love our Cheat Sheet. It shows the optimal percentages of fat, protein, and carbs to consume each day, and you'll be delighted to learn the biggest part is fat. You'll also discover a simple formula for determining the right amount of protein for your body weight, which carbs you can eat to your heart's content, and which ones you should limit.
99 Foods That Naturally Lower Blood Pressure:
All these delicious foods help bring blood pressure down, so it’s a good idea to keep many of them on hand. That way, you won’t be staring into an empty fridge, tempted into making unhealthy choices.
How to Read a Food Label:
This simple guide will show you how to spot the sneaky wording food manufacturers use to hide harmful ingredients, such as refined vegetable fats, and chemicals—the very things that cause elevated blood pressure and its related health issues. Some of these ingredients have strange names, but Dr. Marlene breaks these names down into plain English. You'll know what is safe and what's not. This makes your shopping safe and easy.

Order Today!

When you order today, you’ll receive a copy of Blood Pressure Solution at your home; a digital copy of the book immediately after purchase; and, you’ll receive your 4 digital bonus reports.

How Quickly Does Blood Pressure Solution Work?

Most of Dr. Marlene’s patients using the Blood Pressure Solution notice changes within the first few days. The first change is in their mood and energy levels. They’re no longer members of the “3 PM zombie brigade”… suddenly they can focus and stay active all day.

And after about a week, most people should start to see a slimmer waistline. Many of Dr. Marlene's patients report a fat loss of 3 to 7 pounds in the first week.

Next, as the weeks go by, blood pressure numbers may show improvements as the body begins to heal. Like Ed H. from Lynnwood, WA, who we're happy to report has lost 25 pounds, and his blood pressure is back in the healthy range.

Dr. Marlene does not promise to improve blood pressure problems overnight. As she explains in Blood Pressure Solution, these problems weren’t made in a day, and they won’t be unmade in a day, and to claim anything else would just be dishonest.

The truth is, the human body possesses the ability to heal itself. We just have to get out of the way and give it the building blocks it needs.

That’s what Blood Pressure Solution does…

Meet Dr. Marlene Merritt

Dr. Marlene Merritt has a Masters in Nutrition, and practices as a licensed healthcare provider at her clinic in Austin, TX, showing patients how to turn around their health using common sense and nutrition. She saw for herself the difference nutrition had on her own heart condition, and, through her newsletter and books, is trying to help more people find their way through the dizzying amount of conflicting information in the media.

She specializes in educating patients, readers, and other healthcare practitioners on how to deal with the root causes of diseases instead of treating symptoms and getting people back on track to vibrant health at any age.